Monday, June 29, 2020


I know I went MIA this weekend but it was a busy weekend full of light beers and mixed cocktails and not much writing or poll creating. Oh well you'll live (@ Logan), It's Monday, start of a short work week, and were all counting down to America's birthday this weekend to do it all over again. That being said there were hangovers this weekend and there will be more to follow in the next. It is important to get ahead of the hangover so it does not ravage your Sunday or worst case scenario, turn into the treaded two day hanger. There are plenty of remedies that help curb those bad boys and knock them clean out of your system and we're going to vote on your favorite today.

What is the best hangover remedy?

32 OZ.  GATORADE / POWERADE - This is not about a sports drink debate so pick your poison. After a night of filling you body with liquids that deplete your electrolytes you it is important to replenish those with cool and refreshing sports drink. Save the flavor debate for another, this ones all about replenishing the soul.

BIG GREASY MEAL - Again, not here to debate if it's a Big Mac or a Whopper or if you're really going to indulge and buy a Five Guys and Fries. This is about doing anything to alleviate the fact that bright light makes you blind and get rid of the tremble in your knees. Gotta be careful with this one so it does not turn into a poop emergency because it can and will in a hurry.

WATER - An option that would make Bobby Boucher happy. Just unloading a gallon of water right to the troat and slugging it down faster than the white girls slug seltzer's at the beach on an 85 degree summer day. Can't drink it too fast or it will come right back out, baby sips only.

DRINKING MORE - They say the best detox is a re-tox. Heading to brunch and ordering unlimited Mimosa's or Bloody's to get ahead of the serious part of the hangover might be your best bet. Just make sure you get that post brunch nap in in order to truly beat the worst part and sleep it off. 

There we have it, let's come together as a society to truly determine the best remedy so we may continue to party on. VOTE BELOW

Sunday, June 28, 2020

Shoutout To Bears Fans For Gaining Self Awareness:

I was scrolling through Twitter after a long day of golf with my old man, and I came across this on twitter:

As a Diehard Lions fan, I have to admit I was quite triggered. While many will wonder if it's low hanging fruit, it made me realize that Bears fans have accepted their place in the cellar of the division with us. While many people might point out that the Bears have only gone 3-9 against Matthew Stafford since 2013, and that the Lions have more playoff appearances in the last decade than the Bears, I would never besmirch a fallen rival like that. 

Imagine how hard it is already to be a Bears fan, and coming to the realization that that they have the same amount of doinks on Cody Parkey's game winning field goal attempt against the Eagles as wins against a healthy Aaron Rodgers since the 2010 NFC Championship Game. (Two doinks to Two wins).

I would never make fun of the Bears for trying to assert dominance over the long running cellar dweller of the division, as that would be rude of me. I would never make fun of the Bears for drafting Mitchell Trubisky second overall over NFL MVP Patrick Mahomes and Deshaun Watson, as that would also be very rude and ugly to do. 

Instead, I welcome the Bears for coming to the realization that you can only hang your hat on only winning one Super Bowl with Walter Payton and the greatest defense of all time for so long, before people realize that you're essentially the Tampa Bay Buccaneers with better uniforms and worse quarterback play.  Welcome to the cellar fellas, and thank you for finally coming to the realization that you'll never be held in the same regards as Green Bay and joining us in a cockfight at the bottom. When you're a moribund franchise like the Bears, you need to take every close victory you can over elite QBs like Jeff Driskel and David Blough. 

So don't mind me, I'm just the triggered Lions fan that's actually seen his team beat an Aaron Rodgers led Green Bay multiple times in the same season, something that literally no Bears fan has ever been able to say. But to our new rivals, while the division may be out of reach for us, we can still root against good franchises like the Green Bay Packers. 

Friday, June 26, 2020

"Player Health Matters, But So Do Dollars" - Adam Silver

In staff memo, NBA's Adam Silver addresses racial tensions

In wake of recent COVID-19 surges across the country, specifically in Florida where the NBA restart is scheduled to occur, Adam Silver held a conference call to discuss the leagues return to play policy and if there were any growing concerns regarding the restart. Unfortunately, I was not able to get on the call, as I am not credentialed and this blog is not big enough for the NBA (or anyone) to recognize it's existence. Fortunately, for someone like myself, I am very well connected in the media and have lots of friends that were able to get me looped into the call through some back channeling and secret deals. Once the call was concluded I was able to use my boyish charm and sweet good looks to get Mr. Silver to stay on the line for a 1 on 1 interview with me. I said it was off the record but here I am recording it; good thing I didn't have credentials anyways.

"Mr. Silver thanks for joining me today, I just wanted to start off by asking straight up, is there a real risk that the season may have to be canceled?" - Jake

"Please Heywood (I was going by my alias, Heywood Jablome) call me Adam. While we have seen a large uptick in cases of COVID-19 in Florida, we are still planning to move forward with our July 30th start date. We feel we have strong safety measures to make the restart as safe as possible for the players and personnel involved." - AS

I then went on to ask what exact measures the league was going to take, just outside of the players being locked in a bubble away from human civilizations for potentially up to 3 months. 

"Thanks Heywood, what a great and well thought out question. To start we will be testing every other day and conducting anti-body tests every 2 weeks. In addition to this, if a player was to test positive they will need to quarantine for 14 days and will not be cleared to play again until they test negative twice. This will work out great because these guys definitely ARE NOT confined to a bubble and showering together daily. Finally, we will mandating that each player and member of team personnel wear a "smart ring". This ring will be able to detect temperature, sleeping pattern, breathing rate, etc. We hope that these will help up recognize players that may be at risk to testing positive up to three days in advance. They were definitely not recommended by Daryl Morey to track if James Harden is going to the strip club. The last thing we want to do is track and control our players whereabouts and behavior. *wink*" - AS

Trevor Ariza, Avery Bradley, and Davis Bertans have come out and said recently that they will not be joining their teams in the bubble; and we assume more players will be following their lead soon. I asked Adam if there is a concern about more players deciding not to play.

"No there really isn't. I truly feel that players will be deterred from not playing due to fear of getting chastised by Kendrick Perkins on 'Get Up'. Silver would go on to say, "Look, I understand players not wanting to play but if they don't LeBron told me that they 100% would not be invited on the banana boat ever in their lives. That is a valid enough threat to bring the good players back to the floor in my opinion."

It was at this point Adam told me he soon would have to hop off to wax his head for an appearance on ESPN, but he had time for one more question. I asked what he would tell the critics that felt that the season was being rushed or forced in a time where the current pandemic does not seem to be under control.

"I would tell them that obviously the players health matters, but so do the dollars in everyones pockets. I don't mean the millions it would make the owners and the league and our TV networks; but also the players. So while it may seem forced to get the league back on the floor, at the end of the day we are just trying to get as much out of this season, not only in terms of finances, but also to crown a champion and complete the season as legitimately as possible ... but also make more money."

It will be interesting to see how the league responds to the uptick in cases, there is still a month to tell but I know Adam Silver (and the bank accounts) seem excited to get the ball rolling.


Not as close of a battle as I thought with bagel being the runaway favorite. I think biscuits got so disrespected that it's not even funny. Biscuits are elite and need more RESPEK. 

Moving on to today, it's a shitty, gross, and rainy day out today. I've spent the last few days outside and enjoying the sun but it's always nice to sprinkle in a summer rainy day to mentally and physically recover. Rainy days are great for a lot of reason's and you're going to vote on those today. 

What is the best rainy day activity?

NETFLIX AND CHILL - No not that kind of chill you sick fucks. I mean literally getting yourself wrapped in a blanket and sitting in your cool basement and binging your favorite show for 13 straight hours.

COOK A NICE MEAL - Take the time that you would be spending outside and exploring to make a nice meal and try to make it not taste like absolute shit. That way you can eat a good meal AND wallow in your sorrows.

SLEEP ALL DAY - Just taking a big fat 6 hour nap. Never turning a light on and just slumping all day. Bonus points if it's a Sunday and the Sunday Scarie's are what wakes you up. Then having the scaries haunt you so bad you can't sleep until 2 am before work.

VIDEO GAMES / BOARD GAMES - Games are a fun and entertaining way to get the competitive juices out. I lumped video and board together because they're both games and serve the same purpose; whoop the competitions ass.

Get your votes in and let your voice be heard!

5 Rule Changes that can Bring the Fans Back to MLB

Major League Baseball says 60-game season will start July 23 or 24 ...

It's been known for a few days that baseball finally returning after a long and painstaking negotiation process that would make the Michael Scott Paper Company proud. With players set to return to camp July 1st and games set to resume in late July, baseball is moving quickly to a restart. I was about -3 years old in 1994 when the players went on strike so I don't truly understand the magnitude of what happened then; but what I do know is baseball lost a shit ton of fans and were really reeling until Sammy Sosa saved baseball. It looked as if baseball staring down the same barrel of the same gun again in terms of losing fans, and it appears they still may have lost some in this utterly ridiculous negotiation process, that's where I come in. 

Mr. Manfred I'm here to help out this great game we all love so much, I have five proposed rule changes that could bring the old fans back and grow the game to levels we haven't seen since sac bunting was cool.

1. Three words, trampoline pitchers mound. None of this little bump in the middle of the diamond shit anymore. Pitchers now get to wear gym shoes and run out to the bump to pitch from the trampoline. Imagine all the cool flips and shit we would get to see pitcher do to get the ball out. Upside down curveballs, rising splitters, I mean come on who wouldn't want to see that?

2. Aluminum bats; and I'm not talking the BBCOR shit they have now either. We're busting out the old DeMarini Voodoo drop 7's. If they pitchers get the advantage of being able to do flips and throw backwards curveballs, hitters get to hit the ball a country mile if they get a hold of one. There won't be the risk of hurting fans since they won't be allowed at the games anyways. It'd be even better with cardboard cutouts. Imagine Pete Alonso ripping a ball foul and just demolishing a cardboard cutout down the left field line, how fun is that? More cool pitches and 700 ft. dingers is a strong start to bringing this sport back from the dead.

3. What do Americans love more than big macs and freedom? Violence, that's why I'll be implementing kick ball style outs. Think you'll have a better shot getting the baserunner out by drilling him with the ball rather than the old fashioned way, whip that thing right at him, below the noggin of course. This could also become a strong outlet for anger as it allows position players a chance to unload on the opponent, with benches clearing brawls strictly prohibited due to social distancing measures, this could be the best way to unload some pent up testosterone.

4. Allow steroid. Please. Please just let these guys get all pumped up with the good stuff. Steroids + Aluminum bats = DONG SHOW. That's why people pay the money to get in. Gate price is solely based on dingers. We don't pay to see singles, We pay for the yabos. The steroid era saved baseball once before, it's looking more and more like we're gonna need the steroid era 2.0 to bring it all back again.

5. Everyone thinks they can get the job done better than literal professional athletes, lets give them an opportunity to show it. The final rule change will allow for fans can enter a raffle to have the opportunity to play in a real life MLB game. Once every 5 games a fan has to come in and pitch (off the trampoline) to at least 3 batters, of course to adhere to the newly implemented 3 batter minimum rule. The opposing team will have to have a fan then take an at bat and play an inning of defense every 5 games as well. Not only does this allow for fans to have a once in a lifetime opportunity to get embarrassed by professional athletes on a live stage, it will allow for the managers to bring some strategy back to the game. Managers will have to think about when to trot out 5'6 290 pound JimBob from facebook to get in his 3 batters of work. Get this one rolling Manfred.

Hey Rob, if you see this, I'll accept direct deposit.

Thursday, June 25, 2020


The closest and most controversial poll we've had yet and candy takes the cake as the best road trip snack. Moving on to today, there was a raging debate on the interwebs yesterday that made a lot of people #madonline. The debate centered around if you would rather have a bagel or a croissant. This poll is going to take it one step further and discuss what is the most elite breakfast bread is. This poll isn't talking about pastries, thats a whole other debate, but just the straight up bread. No more BSing, lets vote.

what is the most elite breakfast bread?

BAGEL - Big ole heffer of the group. Lots of bread, big ole hole in the middle, maybe turns ya on a bit. Great for sammie's, lot's of volume with this one so no need to get seconds.

CROISSANT - The boujee bread of the group. You can definitely eat like 12 of these and feel nothing in the gut at all, whole lot of buttery, flaky, delicious atmosphere.

ENGLISH MUFFIN - Croissant's get a lot of shit for being messy and English Muffins don't get enough. You take one of the little sleeve they come in and it's like a dump truck of bread beads falling from the sky. Can't fight the taste though.

BISCUIT - There's a lot of variety here. What I mean by that is there are some places/people who can make some BAD biscuits, but there are also some biscuits that could be good enough to drive world peace. 

Yet another controversial topic, but the debate must be settled.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Another day, another poll. No winner has been declared for yesterday's and the poll is still active so get your votes in in the tweet above while you still can (1 point for democracy). I recently drove from my small one bed in good ole North Dakota 10 or so hours back down to my parents house. Along the way there was a lot of complaining and back pain but also an unnecessary amount of snack consumption. There's something about being in the car that brings up the snack consumption to amounts higher than the recommended amount by the USDA.

That's why today's poll is going to be, what are the best road trip snacks?

BEEF JERKY - I put this as the odds on favorite to take the chip, the only downside is the price point. It's honestly comparable to putting a downpayment down on a home, it can put a big dent in the bank account early in the trip.

CANDY - This includes chocolate and sweet chewy shit. "But Jake they're different and should be categorized different" Fuck you, it's my poll. They're both sugary and make you feel like heaven while eating and feel like shit after.

CHEX MIX / TRAIL MIX - Again, not exactly the same but I make the rules. Getting a mix of chex, pretzels, M&M's, and those delectable garlic chips gives you your sweet and salty combination all in one sweaty hand full.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS - Chewing and spitting and chewing and spitting. Devouring an entire bag of these feels like the great low calorie option, I can assure you it's not. If you can power through the breaking point that is eating them until your taste buds and lips are raw I commend you and you deserve an award. An American classic.

There's no bad choice here. VOTE BELOW

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Baseball Is Back, But My Wife Isnt

The Major League Baseball Players Association and the Owners were finally able to work out a deal so that way baseball will be played this year. This is very good for the players and the fans, but I'm beginning to get quite concerned because my wife has been stuck quarantining with her trainer Esteban for the duration of the COVID-19 lockdown. 

While I have no doubt that all the training sessions with Esteban are keeping her in good shape, I am a little concerned that she's been working out so much that she hasn't returned any of my 8 calls today to tell her that it's safe to come home since the MLB will be starting training camp on July 1st.

Sharon, if you're reading this, please come home. The washing machine is broken and I'm scared of the rattling noise it makes. 


Actually having to do things with the comeback of the year. It looked like the alarm was gonna be a clear and uncontested champ, but the alarm clock sneaks in late. Wow.

Unlike Dad's who are cool and awesome, I will not be shouting out Monday's because Monday's suck. Moving on to today's topic.

If you moved away from home, chances are you've become roommates with complete strangers before. More often than not, this person becomes your best friend but there are instances where your roommate(s) are pretty much satan's spawn on Earth. We're going to vote on the worst roommates and the shit they do to piss you off. Off we go.

THE SLOB - This guy stinks (literally). He's just a trail of breadcrumbs and dishes all over the places. Always manages to leave his laundry all over the laundry room and skid marks in the toilet. The mess just never ends with this guy.

THE LOUD ONE - Comes in stumbling in at 2:30 am on a Wednesday knocking shit all over the place, wakes up to piss in the middle of the night and walks around like fucking big foot reincarnated. Talks on the phone at volume one thousand, watches movies on volume a billion. There's just no taming this guy as he walks around like a siren.

EATS YOUR FOOD - You come home from a (responsible) night on the town, knowing there's a sleeve of Oreo's and a bag of pizza rolls waiting for you, so need to get that last minute Dominos order. Problem is you walk in the door and your roommate Big Chungus devoured your Oreo's and left you 4 pizza rolls. This is the moment where a man could hit a breaking point.

ALWAYS LATE ON RENT - Somehow this guys has enough money to get demolished 4 nights a week but can't afford the $300 on the first of the month for you're crappy 2 bed apartment you split in your small crappy college town, there's a problem. You end up spotting this guy for a week or two, because you're a stand up individual, before he can throw together enough plasma money to pay you back.

All these roommates are the worst and these offenses should be punishable by law. But unfortunately they are not and you are left to keep the place in order. Fuck.


Going Back to Your Hometown

Believe it or not, there is a national holiday coming up soon and no I'm not talking about Khloe Kardashian's birthday this weekend. I'm talking about the U S of A's 244th birthday in about a week and a half. Debatably the best drinking holiday there is, right up there with St. Patrick's Day. Everyone loves cracking a cold one and irresponsibly lighting off unnecessary amounts of Fireworks until 3:30 am. 

If you're like me, you moved (far) away from home post schooling, but holidays are always a great time to go back home, see some family, and absolutely dismantle your hometown bars with your old pals. There's a lot to love about going back to your hometown, I'm gonna dig right into it and give you some of my personal favorites that I'm sure apply to you. Away we go

I alluded to it earlier but the first great thing is ripping up your hometown bars. One of the better feelings in life is getting to see the inside of the building your mom told you she had to go in to "get a few things" before she came out smelling like a combination of a distillery and Marlboro Menthols before safely driving you and your friends home. It's great to be able to walk in there and continue the family legacy of getting absolutely thrashed (responsibly). Somehow, you always manage to try and show off all the money you don't have (we'll touch on this later) and buying the whole bar shots at least twice and leaving with a $300 bar tab on $2 Miller Lite night.

Sticking with the theme of hitting the town, next awesome thing is seeing your high school teachers at the bar. Seeing one of the "cool" teachers from high school is fun as hell, it's a lot of fun to sit there and crack beers and share some laugh about the past. But what's even better is running into one of the "boring" teachers and finding out they're an absolute psycho maniac. It's like when you're a freshman and find out the starting QB on the varsity team rips heaters in between meetings and practice. It's a shock and an eye opening experience. When I say this teacher is a lunatic, I mean it. This teacher is probably bitching about students, buying bottles of Don Julio to pass around, ripping cigs with his ex-students outside, and going into the bathroom a few times and walking out with a little pep in the step each and every time. You have to be careful with this one before you end up 2 1/2 away waking up at the Ho-Chunk Casino in the Wisconsin Dells with them.

I told you we'd talked about this one later; and it's showing up wherever you are acting like the big swingin' dick wherever you go. You're home for 3 or 4 nights, time to go balls to the wall and show this town who's boss. Pretty much treat this like Peter Griffin at the high school reunion. Anything short of a secret agent astronaut millionaire with a cowboy hat from space means you're not exaggerating enough and you're still a huge loser. - Patriot Games

Getting to get a home-cooked meal from mom. This especially applies as a young person like myself. Believe it or not, there are better meals out there than buttered noodles battered in parmesan cheese and frozen chicken tenders washed down with a natty lite. It's actually been so long since you've see a vegetable you forgot they existed. Getting a nice home cooked meal is always good for getting a nice tickle in you're ever minimal soul.

Having a sleep schedule that mirrors that of a newborn child. If you're going home for a bit, chances are you're off work or any other responsibilities, this means you're sleep schedule is going to go crazy. It'll be like summer and you're 16 again. Staying up late eating an entire bag of Cheetos Puffs, watching entire seasons of shows in a night, is the norm at this point.

Getting you're laundry done for you, this especially applies in you're early 20s. Look, laundry sucks. It's quite easily my 2nd least favorite chore right up there with the dishes. The folding, the putting away, the "oh fuck wheres my sock", it all stinks and I'll always bitch about. There's just something special about having someone in the home do this for you and still manage to have all your socks together. 

Getting mangled at your hometown bar again, 3rd night in a row, awesome.

Seeing your buddies from high school. This becomes a real "never forget your roots moment". You could ACTUALLY go on to be a secret agent astronaut millionaire, but if you were the chubby kid in high school who ripped his pants at homecoming, you're going to be that forever and you will never hear the end of it. They say you can't outrun you're past and this is example 1A of that.

While you might get sick of being home after 72 hours, but it's always important to never forget where you came from.

Monday, June 22, 2020

This Bracket Of HBO Shows Has Me Upset Online

    I am officially mad and pissed online. This atrocity came across my time line the other day, and I was incredibly saddened to learn that Rotten Tomatoes is a sham of a website that should be shamed forever. Like any red blooded American between the ages of 24 and 35, HBO taught me a lot of valuable lessons. Lessons such as the difference between softcore and hard core pornography and just how loud a TV has to be to wake sleeping parents. 

Given my nostalgic history with HBO, imagine my surprise when I saw this bracket on Rotten Tomatoes. I was shocked at how genuinely terrible it is nearly from top to bottom. A truly rancid fucking submission into the universe. 

I'm sorry, but who decided to match The Leftovers up with True Detective in ROUND ONE!!!?? The Leftovers is one of the most incredible shows of all time, and deserves better treatment than this. Imagine how dogshit it would be if the NCAA matched up Kentucky and Duke in Round 1 while Eastern Kentucky played Western Carolina in another matchup. The Leftovers gets absolutely screwed due to seeding, and it's unfortunate because The Leftovers is a great show that more people should watch. 

Chernobyl beating both The Sopranos AND True Detective?? That's the most absurd fucking opinion I've ever seen, and I can only surmise that the voting was hacked by Russian operatives trying to regain political power in Ukraine or wherever the fuck Chernobyl is. Don't get me wrong, it's a great series and you should definitely watch it. But it's a mini series, while The Sopranos stacked six INCREDIBLE seasons together, and even if it did squeak by in a miracle, there's literally no explanation for it to beat True Detective. The first season of True Detective might be the single best season in television history, so you can't even argue peak for Chernobyl.

Lets call it what it is: a bunch of douchebag assholes that want to pretend like they understand anything about geopolitical events that want to look smart by saying insane things like "Chernobyl is a better TV show than The Sopranos". Because that can't be a real opinion. Sopranos and True Detective is a very legit argument. If we're going peak, True Detective probably beats it. If we're going overall duration of quality, it's Sopranos. 

The Wire is absolutely better than Westworld, and Game Of Thrones is certainly not HBOs best show. Best shouldn't include caveats. It should be able to stand on its own. And Game Of Thrones has a major MAJOR caveat in the "The Ending Of Our Show Was Fucking Terrible And We're A Laughing Stock Now" department. If your show has a petition calling your writers dogshit and gets 1.5 Million signatures agreeing, you don't get to be the best. Game Of Thrones was incredible, but it blew a 28-3 lead in the Best Show department, and that's a fact.

Everyone associated with putting together this list should be tarred and feathered. Yuck, Fuck Rotten Tomatoes. 


What Does Case of the Mondays Mean? | Pop Culture by 

I don't believe it, we have a draw, the closest poll yet. It literally cannot get closer than this. I feel like I have to be the tiebreaker and knowing my dad, my vote has to go to leaving your dad the hell alone. There's nothing my dad would want more than for no one to call out "daaaaaad" for just 24 hours. He's a simple man and that's a simple ask.

 One last shout out to all the dad's out there, you guys rock. Moving onto today though. It's Monday. Monday's STINK to high heavens. I think you can tell where this is going. No more dancing around it, lets get into the worst parts about Monday's

THE ALARM CLOCK - Nothing worse than the iPhone blaring at 6:00 am and you ACTUALLY have to face the scaries from last night.

FACING THE SUNDAY SCARIES - 6:00 pm rolls around on Sunday and you're terrified for the work week. You're already thinking about the meetings you have to sit in and the shit you didn't do to prepare for them. "I'll wrap this up over the weekend" you said... You did not, in fact, wrap it up. Time to scramble!

SEEING PEOPLE - Everyone is a little grouchy on Monday mornings and thats normal but there's always an asshole co-worker or two that are just too happy to be back in the office. This person stinks and should be avoided at all costs. No one wants to talk to you until it's Wednesday

ACTUALLY HAVING TO DO THINGS - You can only sleepwalk so long until your boss or supervisor is on your ass still battling your hangover from Saturday night. If you can get yourself at least 2 hours of solitude before someone getting on your ass, consider yourself lucky.

These are without a doubt the worst parts of a Monday. Vote below to let your voices be heard!

Kirk Ferentz Makes Sweeping Changes, Ends Racism

Iowa Head Football Coach Kirk Ferentz is back in the news again, this time because of all of the steps he's taken to end racism at Iowa.

    Ferentz was last seen at a news conference in which he dedicated himself to ending to racial disparity at Iowa, and treating every player, regardless of race, like absolute shit. Ferentz announced the move by saying that he was committing to humiliating more players at Iowa, and publicly condemned former strength coach Chris Doyle. 

    "Chris Doyle doesn't represent our views in our program. I would never condone racism from my coaches, and by treating black players so poorly, he allowed numerous white players to get away from workouts without suffering extreme degradation" Ferentz announced Monday morning. 

    Along with the strong statement condemning Doyle's actions, Ferentz also heaped praise on Offensive Line Coach Tim Polasek for his conduct within the program:

    "When we hired Coach Polasek from North Dakota State, we knew what we were getting. A strong, principled man that treats everyone equally. No matter what skin color they are, Coach Polasek has committed himself to equal treatment" 
    "While we have had an abysmally bad rushing attack that has caused many outside the program to wonder why I continue to employ him, they just don't understand his character. I'll never forget the first year at camp when Tim made all of the freshmen linemen stand in front of the meeting room together so he could give them all Tampax before individually humiliating them all for various reasons. He let each player know how worthless he was to the program, and only saw student athletes ready to be humiliated publicly, not the color of their skin". 

    Ferentz would later commend Polasek for how he was able to mistreat so many players equally into transferring, while also helping lead a rushing attack that also finished 97th nationally in total rushing. To back up that it's not just talk, Ferentz had each of his assistant coaches text all players in their position groupings about how little they meant to them as people, and in a show of unity, insulted quarterback Spencer Petras's mother in front of Petras at the press conference, before berating his young QB with homophobic slurs, to show just how committed he is to equality. 

    Unavailable for comment was Ferentz's son and Iowa Offensive Coordinator Brian Ferentz. Brian Ferentz was reportedly busy with a prior commitment, forcing scholarship players buried on the depth chart to clean the locker room with a toothbrush to convince them to transfer before making them eat until they puked, followed by another thorough cleaning of the locker room in order to convince them to transfer. 

    "I'm immensely proud of my son, as he was able to lead us to the Outback Bowl with at least 3 NFL First Round picks offensively, and he was also able to find an equal amount of black and white players to humiliate into leaving today. I could not be more excited for him to take over the program when I leave" 

Ferentz said about his heir apparent, before announcing a home and home football series with his close friend Mike Gundy and Oklahoma State in the years 2029 and 2030.

Sunday, June 21, 2020

There is a Petition Gaining Steam to Rename Columbus, Ohio "Flavortown" BeliNZStore Guy Fieri - Flavortown Stickers (3 Pcs ...
"Welcome to..."

If there's something that we can all agree on now it's that Christopher Columbus was a major dickhead, I'm not going to get into a debate about changing history blah blah blah because what's known is that guy STUNK. That's not what this is about, this is about us needing a full time Flavortown, USA. I am fully behind this movement to rename any U.S. City Flavortown; the fact that there is not one yet is a downright travesty. I've never been to Columbus but I've heard it's a really solid food city and that could be made even better. This place could become the food and tourism capital of the world. I'm talking filled with all the best restaurants from across America, regional hits from everywhere. You could have 5 blocks just full of Lou Malnati's, Portillos,  Whataburger, In-N-Out, Zaxsby's, Friendly's, Taco Time, and Skyline Chili. Just bring in regional foods from every where across the country for people to travel to and try in one select place. This will bring up tourism for people to come in and try these foods in order to kill a few birds with one stone. The higher tourism will draw higher end restaurants in from all over the country to only enhance the now booming culinary scene in Flavortown. Flavortown could become a new tourism hot spot for decades to come if this is done right

Sign the Petition below. Bring Flavortown to life.

NFL Starting Quarterbacks Tiered On If I Can Beat Them In Arm Wrestling

Category 1: Definitely Not
  •      Jameis Winston, Phillip Rivers, Russell Wilson, Carson Wentz, Matthew Stafford, Matt Ryan, Deshaun Watson, Patrick Mahomes, Josh Allen, Daniel Jones, Drew Lock . 

    All of these quarterbacks are either incredibly tough, much larger than me, much more athletic than me, and definitely much smarter than me. Many of them are fathers, and with that, carries a lot of dad strength. Any matchup with these quarterbacks is ending with me crying for my mother. No thanks

Category 2: Probably not, but maybe?
  •     Tom Brady, Jared Goff, Aaron Rodgers, , Ryan Fitzpatrick, Gardner Minshew, Ryan Tannehill.

    Now we're getting a little closer. Brady is old enough that I think I could pull a fast one. Jared Goff is a pure California boy, so maybe I can one up him with my brute strength based Midwestern Physique. Aaron Rodgers would almost certainly a better arm wrestler than me, but I believe I could easily gain the mental edge on him by asking him what he did with his dad for Fathers Day.
     Ryan Fitzpatrick went to Harvard which makes him a nerd, and Gardner Minshew may show up drunk. Both of those work to my advantage. Lastly, Ryan Tannehill has a hot wife, which means he hasn't attempted to arm wrestle random strangers in dive bars to try and impress the last 3 women during last call of a Saturday Night, so that makes me a savvy veteran compared to him. 

Category 3: Quarterbacks drafted before Patrick Mahomes and Deshaun Watson 
  •    Mitch Trubisky

    Many people forget that Mitch Trubisky was taken 2nd in the 2017 NFL Draft while Patrick Mahomes and Deshaun Watson were still on the board. This has almost certainly cost the Bears a Super Bowl, and I can guarantee I would never lose to Mitch Trubisky in any form of hand to hand combat involving two men sitting at a table with interlocking hands.  

Category 4: Toss Up
  •     Sam Darnold, Baker Mayfield, Kyler Murray, Jimmy Garappolo, Teddy Bridgewater

    Kyler and Baker are both much lighter than me so I feel like I could leverage my size with both of them. On the other hand they're both from Texas, so that means they're weaker than normal men already. Sam Darnold sees ghosts enough that my indoor tanned pale skin would definitely make him shit himself. 

Jimmy G is from Rolling Meadows, Illinois and I've never lost a fight to someone from Rolling Meadows, Illinois. (0-0-1 NBD). Teddy Bridgewater has small, dainty hands. Vegas has all of these as pickems.

Category 5: I would fuck them up
  •     Drew Brees, Dak Prescott, Kirk Cousins, Andy Dalton.

    I would have Bootstraps Brees begging for mercy as I have his hand in the Arm Wrestling Equivalent to the Steiner Recliner. He's tapping out, calling for uncle, and crying within a span of mere seconds.

     Dak Prescott got jumped in PCB, so he's already too big of a douche for even the biggest douches around. Kirk Cousins is where it gets tough for me. I'd easily win, but I'd have to arm wrestle Kirk Cousins in a Pizza Ranch as he's legally obligated to stay in one during the offseason. 
I kinda forgot about Andy Dalton so I'm just going to plug him in Category 5, because I can't imagine a scenario in which I'm not superior physically at arm wrestling than anyone named Andrew. 


This one is gonna be dedicated to all the dads out there, but before we get too far into it, lets take a look at everyones favorite summer activities.

A close race but boating is gonna take the cake. Now theres a ton of ways to celebrate fathers day. Dads are awesome and they should be treated as such everyday but today is their day. Buying gifts for dads is generally a difficult task because they genuinely don't care what you get them, but it is still important to try and spoil them nonetheless. That's why todays poll is going to be: what are the best fathers day gifts? 

A DAY OF GOLF - Who doesn't love golfing with your pops? Fathers day and golf go together like Sammy Sosa and hot dogs, just a match made in heaven.

MEAT - A classic gift for someone who forgot to buy a gift until the Saturday before. But everyone knows dads appreciate anything they can slap on the grill. You should definitely cook the meat for him that day too, or let him. It's dad's special day so let him decide.
TO BE LEFT ALONE - This isn't the classic "I got you my love" you used when you were 8 years old and forgot fathers day, this is literally the gift. Giving a nice "happy fathers day" and leaving him alone to eat chocolate and beef jerky all day.

A STERN HANDSHAKE - Sometimes dads just need a stern handshake to let them know that, although you might be a disappointment, at least he taught you how to shake a mans hand correctly; and sometimes this can be all they need to make their day.

It's important to appreciate everything dads do, so crack a cold one and enjoy the day with them today.


National Treasure is ELITE

National Treasure (film) - Wikipedia
All time movie poster

What an all time action packed film full of twists and turns all over the place. The opening scene just grabs you, hearing about the story of this potential treasure that could be right under our noses and we hear the quote "the secret lies with Charlotte" thus setting up the whole story. We get Nic Cage at his absolutely best working with Doug from The Hangover before he became Doug and Diane Kruger looking her absolute best. There is really no better actor to play someone hunting a treasure based on a wild conspiracy theory than Nic Cage himself. I really wouldn't be surprised if he was a treasure hunter in his free time. This movie also has an all-time dumb villian, that dickhead idiot Ian. Ian is such a dickhead name. Ian is such a big dumb idiot too, does he realize he wouldn't be able to find shit if he wasn't riding Ben Gates' coattails? He's always asking for the next clue and waiting to see what Ben does next. An absolute clown. Look at this guy, he just looks like the kid that bully's his way through middle school because he can't figure out Intro to Algebra.

National Treasure (2004) Review |BasementRejects
"Give me the next clue, BEN"

As I alluded to earlier this movie wastes zero time getting you into the action. Theses guys blow up a ship in the arctic before you can say "Declaration of Independence" and then it's not too long before we hear one of the greatest and most memorable lines in cinematic history uttered "I'm gonna steal the Declaration of Independence". There's ups and downs and twists and turns, ups and downs, and even a little love story sprinkled in. It's just 131 minutes of action start to finish and if you can't appreciate a film that gives you that start to finish then there's no hope for you. This is a piece of cinematic history that should be in the Smithsonian.

Saturday, June 20, 2020


Another bloodbath yesterday with the people who always want to fight running away with the title for the worst people to be with at a bar. Not shocking for the winner but I thought disappearing people would have put up a better fight.

Onto today, it's Saturday, but this movement doesn't sleep on the weekends. Today is the first official day of summer, in honor of that today's poll is going to be debating the top summer activities you can do. 

BOATING - It's hard to find a flaw in this one. Sitting outside and floating on the water and cracking brews with your friend is one of the best ways to spend a summer day. Also getting boat drunk is debatably the best type of drunk.

BEACH / POOL DAY - While these are a little different, they both involve baking in the sun and sitting by some water. The difference is at the beach you'll usually head home with a little sand up you asscrack from the beach and not the pool if that's what you're into, to each their own.

PATIOS - This can include having an at home patio AND sitting at an outdoor bar. Just sitting on an outdoor patio regardless of the setting is a great activity. Whether your sitting out grilling and boozing with your family and friends at home or sitting down at a patio bar and losing track of time only to find out its 7pm, you're browned out and the night is still young. Tough to name a better feeling than that.

GOLF - Ahh yes, getting out on the links with the boys. Can make for a really pleasant Friday summer afternoon. Or, if you're a competitive psychopath, it can COMPLETELY ruin your weekend. Golf course food also doesn't get enough play.

There are plenty of other great summer activities but these seemed to be the big four in my brain. Fight me if you think differently but this is what we're rolling with.


Friday, June 19, 2020

Did Josh McCown Figure Out the Best Way to Fight a Bear?

We've all heard the old saying "if it's black, fight back; if it's brown, lay down; if it's white, say goodnight" when it comes to encountering bears. But did Josh McCown figure out a way for us to defeat all bears? Listen in at the 0:55 mark.

Make it dizzy? Did anyone think of this before? And why did the Bears wait until now to release it? These facts could literally save human lives. Just under three people a year are killed by bears, I have to think that number would be just under one if we knew this information before.

We HAVE to make sure these statements end up in the next edition of the Bear Almanac in order to keep the human race safe.

The NBA Might Give Players Smart Rings to Catch Potential COVID-19

NBA players could wear smart ring to track COVID-19 symptoms as ...

When I first heard this I immediately thought, "this is probably what Spongebob felt like when he traveled to the future". I was blown away. Here I am thinking NBA players and coaches are going to get this ring that can detect COVID; thinking they're going to be wearing an actual coronavirus test. "Why aren't essential employees getting these!? Doctors, Nurses, Teachers!?"  How dumb am I? After doing a little digging, turns out this thing is just like a fancy Fitbit that can take your temperature. And here my dumb self is thinking we just cured the coronavirus. 

It's good to see the NBA get on the forefront of trying to be as preventative as possible as they continue to work towards return to play. The ring can supposedly track body temp, heart rate, sleeping patterns, and respiratory rate. I wonder how the players and the PA will feel if these are mandated? Are we going to see Jame Harden try to throw his on Austin Rivers finger to get out to the strip club? Maybe he can clear with the NBA that a higher heart rate and body temp is normal after midnight.

Hopefully this is a step in the positive direction for sports to return. As much as we all love watching Coach Duggs, I think we could all use some real sports in our lives; and sooner rather than later.


I'm back on my quest to absolutely destroy the "reply, retweet, or like" trend going around twitter. Yesterday the best way to serve a beer was debated and Draft won in an absolute BLOOD BATH. See the results below

Today we will debating who is the WORST person to be with at the bar. I won't waste anymore of your time.

LOUD PEOPLE - You know the person who's just obnoxiously loud. I'm not talking about your buddy at a night club, I'm talking about the person who sounds like a damn ambulance talking to you sitting on the barstool next to you; you know the type.

"LETS GET SHOTS" PEOPLE - The one who's ready to rip shots at all hours of the day and as often as possible no matter the setting. There's a time and place for shots, they can really set the tone for the night, but it's not every 15 minutes on a Saturday afternoon; and save your guilt trip for another person.

FIGHT PEOPLE - The person you're with who's always looking to brawl. I'm convinced this person would try and fight a stop sign for trying to tell them what to do. They'll lean over to you and ask if you'd back them up if they fought the guy across the bar because he got his drink before he got his or because he "gave him a funny look".

DISAPPEARING PEOPLE - The one that just runs off, gives you the old Irish goodbye and they're on their way. But this happens every weekend. They could be down the street, at the casino, with a hookup, or in jail. They'll have you playing clue with browned out on a Saturday night.



Thursday, June 18, 2020


The internet has had some pretty dumb trends in the past; especially right now in quarantine times. We started with some fun ones of people listing their top 5's of various subject and slowly matriculate down the latter of creativity to the whole "what do you think of when you see this" challenge or whatever you wanna call it. Now we have this...


What the fuck is this? Has the internet run out of it's bag of tricks? Are we done already? I feel like twitter is the kid that asks to come to your family Christmas party so your Uncle Jerry dressed as Santa has to put together an old board game and some duplicate baseball cards to give the kid so the kid doesn't feel left out when Santa shows up. We're really scrapping the bottom of the barrel here. It was just 6 or 7 short years ago we were BEGGING twitter for polls to stop shit like this; and here it is again.

Clearly I'm irked by these so I'm starting a movement; I will be posting a twitter poll a day for the foreseeable future to combat this. Yesterday was the worst type of friend. Today's I'm going with the best way to serve a beer; without further ado:

1. CAN - This is the standard 12 oz. can, save that tallboy shit for another poll. The biggest perk of the can is you can pick up a 30 rack so they're great for volume consumption; also great to avoid any breakage, especially important in a crowded setting. A knock is they tend to get warm quick. Extra points for the ability to shotgun.

2. BOTTLE - For the more sophisticated type. Great perk is the chill of the bottle, even better if you have a little frost on the outside. A huge knock is the break-ability, there's no bigger party foul than breaking a glass bottle. The vortex chug is cool but difficult to execute.

3. DRAFT - Biggest perk is it is usually served in 16 oz. (I say usually as to not disrespect the craft beer community). Also important to note the ability to get a pitcher, group of 12 guys at a table? Great, just get 4 pitchers and please the table. Draft loses points because your favorite beer might not be on tap, huge buzzkill. The old fashioned 2 or 3 gulp chug out of the pint glass might be the my alpha way to down a beer as well.

4. RED SOLO CUP - This is like the gritty version of the draft brew. While directly from the keg, it is different because of the setting and means of consumption. This beer is usually drank in a dark room with flashing lights and out of cup that's been passed around the room once or twice. Some medical professionals say you don't hit puberty until you've shared the same cup in flip cup with at least 8 different people at the gathering; you can't make this shit up, facts are facts.

There you have it. The four choices for the day. Thank you for your participation in my very educational study. Vote below!

Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Works kept me busy the last 48 hours or so I haven’t been able to keep up with the current events going on in the sports world, but some newsworthy events have transpired that I would like to give my thoughts on so our readers (mostly me) can look back on them later.


1.  THE CAPTAIN WANTS TO BRING SAMMY HOME: With the (disappointing) 30 for 30, Long Gone Summer, airing this past Sunday, a lot of talk about the King Sammy Sosa has hit the timeline. Most of it wondering the current Cubs ownership won’t let their home run king back into Wrigley Field, I covered this in a previous blog so I won’t bore you with the details. With baseball making news Monday that Rob Manfred is “not confident” there will be an MLB season, players took to social media; and our captain is ready to play AND bring Slammin’ Sammy home.


2.  Now, walking it back a little bit... THE MLB SEASON IS IN JEOPARDY: Monday afternoon the lovely and ever charming Rob Manfred comes out and says “I’m not confident” in regards to there being a 2020 baseball season, just five days after saying he was 100% sure there would be a season. Now I am not going to sit here and pretend I have a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Harvard and like I really know what the fuck is going on as far as the intricacies of the negotiations. What I do know is players and owners agreed to a prorated salary structure for the 2020 season. It seems as if the owners want to play as little games as possible in order to be able to pay the players as little as possible, is how I am understanding it. The players have wanted to play more games and the owners less, therefore paying less. In common man terms, it's all, for lack of a better term, annoying.

3. LOL JK BASEBALL MIGHT BE BACK: News has leaked that the owners reportedly would not want to play this year if the PA was going to file a grievance. Not sure if this inspired the owners to get something done because, ohhhhhh brother, does that look bad in the public eye. Again, I'll save you the legal jargon because I'll just sound like the Wal-Mart brand version of the dumber Winklevoss twin. But apparently there was a strong breakthrough in negotiations; follow the tweets below.

I want to reiterate AGAIN, I do not know. what. the. fuck. this all means. The deal might not be as close as Heyman made it seem, but it seems like some DAMN good progress and should give any baseball fans peen a little tickle

KYRIE IRVING SAID THINGS: Kyrie was recently very vocal in a meeting about trying to get the NBA back on the floor. In short he was against it because he says it would distract from the major social justice movement that is currently going on; and everyone JUMPED on him like flies on shit. "Crazy Kyrie at it again". I, however, want to defend Kyrie. Is it that crazy that the Vice President of the NBAPA is bringing up concerns about return to play, especially in todays climate? Kyrie feels like the king of devils advocate and that paints him as a loon. He's actually making good points about the issues at hand and some concerns the league may have along with player safety with this whole COVID thing; and it seems he may have more support among the players than we thought.

It's been an eventful few days for quarantine standards. It feels like sports are coming back but it also feels like they're not even close. It feels right to be getting irrationally upset about sports again though.

Monday, June 15, 2020

Kyle Long Has Words About the Current Bears Staff and They're.... Not Great?

Well uh, this is something. Kyle Long has been known to frequent twitter and not have a filter, even in the slightest, as we saw by him being critical of Mitch Trubisky earlier in the offseason, but man this is something. Or is it?

Kyle later went on to try and clarify his comments shortly after.

Followed shortly after by


It makes sense why he wouldn't be happy with the current staff after literally firing him. He even said himself you wouldn't try and holler back at a girl that shoved you to the curb. 

Could this really be a case of Kyle just (rightfully) not wanting to play for a staff that let him go, or could there have been other feelings of strife between him and ole Coach Nagy and Co. during his time still as a player? 

I actually believe Kyle here. While there Bears WILDLY underperformed last year, yet you never heard of any issues coming out of the locker room besides disappointment in not playing well. Bears fans are familiar with locker room chaos as it was around not too long ago.

"We had a great week of practice"


His tweets were worded interestingly nonetheless. Time will tell on this one.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Review of Long Gone Summer

Well that was... underwhelming. At the end of the day, there was not enough about Sammy, really just not enough story at all. We got nothing about the pandemonium in Wrigleyville, just bits and pieces from reporters and beat writers telling us how cool it was. Nothing about Sammy truly captivating the city. All I felt like I was watching was Mark McGwire talk about things we already knew. 

Starting from the top, we got a whole backstory on the guy. How he wanted to be a pitcher growing up and even went to USC just to do that. We heard about how USC made him switch to hit in order to get his massive stick in the lineup everyday. All we got about Sammy was he was a poor shoe shine boy from the Dominican Republic that signed with the Rangers when he was 16. Not a damn word about him playing for the White Sox and being traded to the Cubs for fucking peanuts. We didn't hear about 30 and 30 at the age of 24 and then again in the next full season of baseball. As a matter of fact, McGwire himself said he's never heard of him before. What!? Before 98, Sammy was already an All-Star, had five 30+ HR seasons, and won a silver slugger. And we have Mark McGwire talking about him like he just appeared out of nowhere like the god damn Genie from Aladdin. 

Getting so much McGwire wouldn't have been so bad if he wasn't so fucking boring. Just the classic show up and go about by business kind of guy. Fine, whatever, he's a good pro, there's a reason he dropped 70 bombs (and steroids). But when Sammy was on the camera it was just so electric. He enhanced every scene he appeared in. Him talking about going home and watching ESPN just to see them talk about him. Sammy talking about how he wanted to be the man, he wanted the record. None of this pussyfooting around questions and talking about Sammy being the man. Sammy was the man and he knew it. 

We needed more Wrigleyville. I never really truly got to experience Wrigley being the zoo that it was described to be before it turned into Disneyland, being too young to REALLY experience it. I wanted to see some of that. I talked about the ballhawks on Waveland in an earlier blog and we got maybe 5 minutes of that? I just wanted to see how chaotic the bleachers were, how crazy the street was, Wrigleyville going into a frenzy whenever Sammy came to bat. Seeing them cut into BP was pretty neat, however. That did help grasp the magnitude of what was really going on; but we just needed more.

I've eluded to the Cubs being my first sports memory before, the 2003 Cubs. I remember Sammy and how iconic and influential he was in the city for baseball, but I was too young to really grasp the reality of what was going on. I was hoping this doc would be able to take me to 1998 and I could feel like I lived it. I know it's unfair to compare anything to the Jordan doc for the spectacle that it was but that doc made me feel like I was there for the 90s Bulls; that just didn't happen for this doc.

What was cool was getting a little look at a fans perspective. They were just going to get absolutely toasted on Old Styles and hope to see some monstrous moonshots. You can always appreciate that. The fan that talked about how he would essentially physically assault his own father to get a home run ball, pretty wild shit. And how can we forget about our guy Lance, arguably the highlight of the show.

"Tits out for Sammy" (1998)

Then the ending just plain hurt. Sammy talking about why he hasn't been welcomed back, the organization wants him to apologize and for what? Sammy never tested positive for PEDs, the only substance was an anonymous report from the NY Times, nothing concrete or real. We're talking about an organization that's employed players like Addison Russell and Aroldis Chapman; and they want Sammy to apologize for his character and actions? It just feels so wrong, and Tom Ricketts should know the majority of the fanbase is disappointed we haven't seen Sammy back and that his number should be on a flag on the foul poles.

Ultimately, we needed more Sammy. I mean shit like "God picked me" is just so funny and electric. I would've killed for them to ask about his weight gain after he got to the Cubs just so we could hear about him eating too many hot dog again. We got his thoughts and interjections, but nothing of great substance, nothing we didn't know before. The biggest disappointment was not finding out anything new. Isn't that the point of documentaries? As a kid that was still shitting myself at least twice a day in 1998, I was looking forward to seeing insights and learning things I did not know before. That did not happen.

Hopefully we can learn more about Sammy and this chase from his perspective one day. Until then, bring Sammy home and #Retire21


                                Sammy Sosa's “Bunny Hop” and the 25 Best Player Trademarks in MLB ...

T-Minus 15 minutes until Long Gone Summer and unless you live on planet fucking la la land you know that Sammy Sosa has not been welcomed back to Wrigley Field since 2004;  was still probably shitting and pissing my pants at this point. It is absolutely asinine that this guy has not been welcomed back yet. Your home run king, a man who hit 20 bombs in a month, a man who put the weight of a franchise on his back for 13 seasons, a man that was such an pivotal figure in bring a sport that is reeling back from the dead. And he can't come back to the house that he brought back to life?! I don't know a soul in the organization so I can only speculate off what I've heard from other media outlets and from the internet. Maybe Crane Kenney's tight asshole doesn't want him back, after all he was with the Cubs for damn near all of Sammy's career here. Kerry Wood and Sammy reportedly didn't get along and he's a pretty high up advisor now, perhaps he has had some voice in welcoming Sammy back or not. Maybe Tom Ricketts really just wants an apology. For what, no one has any god damn idea. Who knows. Whatever it is, it is absolutely fucking bonkers why you can't bring this guy back and let his flag fly with the other greats of the organization.

The majority of the fan base wants to see Sammy back in Wrigley. Do what's right.

Bring the king home. #Retire21


Sammy Sosa unsigned 8x10 photo (Chicago Cubs, 66th Home Run in ...

Tonight is the night, the Chicago Cubs home run king returns to our televisions sets in a 30 for 30 that covers all the ins and outs of the 1998 Home Run chase. What especially excites me about this is getting to see an in depth look at what the impact of this summer had on the Cubs and Major League Baseball as a whole. For context, I was born in the summer of 1997, so I turned one year old during this chase, so safe to say I don't remember shit about this. Only what I've read and seen on the internet about it, so to say I'm personally looking forward to this doc is an understatement. 

My first baseball memories come from the 2003 season. Sammy and the 2003 Cubs made baseball my first love. The Cubs finished 88-74 and had a loaded lineup going into that postseason that consisted of the likes of Aramis Ramirez, Kenny Lofton, Moises Alou among others. But of course batting 3rd every night, the king of the fucking castle that is Wrigley Field, came to the dish. Even 6 year old me can remember the pure electricity in the crowd as Sammy approached the plate. The slow walk up, the big dig in, the stare-down at the mound. I get goosebumps thinking about it still... and I was only 6. I can only imagine the pure energy as he came up to bat in September of 1998.

I don't know what Wrigley was like Pre-1998. What I do know is MLB was still reeling from the strike in 1994 and the Cubs hadn't made the postseason since 1989 and actually have only made it twice since the god damn 1945 World Series. But seeing clips of what Wrigley was like in 1998, it's what I remember from my childhood. The standing room only bleachers, the shitty fence behind the bleachers to keep the drunk assholes from jumping onto Waveland, the red roof, the ball shaggers standing on Waveland for 3 hours on Tuesdays afternoon sweating their tits off with their shirts tied around their heads, just hoping Sammy pops one. Wrigley today isn't Wrigley without Slammin' Sammy.

Seeing the details of the summer of 1998 is going to be a treat. An absolute treat. Especially in a year Major League Baseball can't get their shit together. Going to be great to see Sammy muthafuckin Sosa drag his nuts all over Wrigley Field to claim it as his.

FAST FACTS About the American Bison

You Say Buffalo, I Say Bison. What's the difference? - Teton ...

For everyone unaware, I am originally from the Chicagoland Area but currently live in the Peace Garden State of North Dakota (idk why it's called that, just needed something to make me sound like a resident North Dakotan (??)). I digress.

Today, I went out to explore a bit and visited a nature preserve and take a nice hike. Contrary to my figure, I actually enjoy a nice hike out in the wild, I also may bitch and moan the whole time but trust me, I am having a good time (probably). Anyways, this preserve I visited today has Bison, which excited me more than the 9 year old who discovers theres tits on the internet for the time. Being a suburb kid the closest thing I've ever seen to a Bison outside of a zoo is a cow. Not quite as exciting. That being said, I wanted to provide a few facts I've learned about these majestic beasts over the past couple of days.

1. Turns out that as of 2016, they are the national mammal of the United States. Had no clue. We probably felt bad for absolutely fucking decimating their population. Maybe it's just because they're fucking cool animals. I don't think of a Bison when I think of America, maybe that's because I think of this.

bald eagle screaming | Screaming bald eagle | Weißkopfseeadler ... 
Screams in Red, White, and Blue

2. Bison bulls can weigh about 2,000 pounds (that's roughly 907 kg for my metric friends). I mean holy FUCK. We're talking 7 Big Sexy's, 6 Vince Wilfork's, all that packed into one specimen. This makes them America's largest land mammal. Makes sense why we made them the national mammal now.

MLB 2018: Bartolo Colon was almost perfect, and Shohei Ohtani ...

3. "Well shit JB, these mammals are so big but surely that means you're okay to get near one because they'll be easy to run away from"? To that I say a big ole FUCK NOPE. These creatures can get up to speeds anywhere from 35 to 40 MPH. I mean come on. Good luck trying to outrun one of these things if you catch it before it's had it's late night glass of whiskey because if this thing get's all pent up, you just might catch yourself with 3 assholes if you're not careful.

4. Males will often times duel for the right to mate with females. Pretty electric if you asked me. Imagine if guys were able to do this now. No seeing who can spit the most game, no seeing who can buy the most drinks, no more of that meet on tinder than run into her awkwardly at the bar with another guy. Just take it right to the streets for a straight up, head to head battle, literally. Winner gets to mate. I love good old fashioned competition.

Bison Duel Photograph by Mark Miller

There they are, The coolest facts about Bison. This whole experience has made me want to tame one and ride it around as my own. I would love nothing more than to trot into town riding on the back of a Bison like I'm a real life Arthur Morgan.

Oh well, a guy can dream.