Thursday, June 25, 2020


The closest and most controversial poll we've had yet and candy takes the cake as the best road trip snack. Moving on to today, there was a raging debate on the interwebs yesterday that made a lot of people #madonline. The debate centered around if you would rather have a bagel or a croissant. This poll is going to take it one step further and discuss what is the most elite breakfast bread is. This poll isn't talking about pastries, thats a whole other debate, but just the straight up bread. No more BSing, lets vote.

what is the most elite breakfast bread?

BAGEL - Big ole heffer of the group. Lots of bread, big ole hole in the middle, maybe turns ya on a bit. Great for sammie's, lot's of volume with this one so no need to get seconds.

CROISSANT - The boujee bread of the group. You can definitely eat like 12 of these and feel nothing in the gut at all, whole lot of buttery, flaky, delicious atmosphere.

ENGLISH MUFFIN - Croissant's get a lot of shit for being messy and English Muffins don't get enough. You take one of the little sleeve they come in and it's like a dump truck of bread beads falling from the sky. Can't fight the taste though.

BISCUIT - There's a lot of variety here. What I mean by that is there are some places/people who can make some BAD biscuits, but there are also some biscuits that could be good enough to drive world peace. 

Yet another controversial topic, but the debate must be settled.

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