Sunday, June 21, 2020


This one is gonna be dedicated to all the dads out there, but before we get too far into it, lets take a look at everyones favorite summer activities.

A close race but boating is gonna take the cake. Now theres a ton of ways to celebrate fathers day. Dads are awesome and they should be treated as such everyday but today is their day. Buying gifts for dads is generally a difficult task because they genuinely don't care what you get them, but it is still important to try and spoil them nonetheless. That's why todays poll is going to be: what are the best fathers day gifts? 

A DAY OF GOLF - Who doesn't love golfing with your pops? Fathers day and golf go together like Sammy Sosa and hot dogs, just a match made in heaven.

MEAT - A classic gift for someone who forgot to buy a gift until the Saturday before. But everyone knows dads appreciate anything they can slap on the grill. You should definitely cook the meat for him that day too, or let him. It's dad's special day so let him decide.
TO BE LEFT ALONE - This isn't the classic "I got you my love" you used when you were 8 years old and forgot fathers day, this is literally the gift. Giving a nice "happy fathers day" and leaving him alone to eat chocolate and beef jerky all day.

A STERN HANDSHAKE - Sometimes dads just need a stern handshake to let them know that, although you might be a disappointment, at least he taught you how to shake a mans hand correctly; and sometimes this can be all they need to make their day.

It's important to appreciate everything dads do, so crack a cold one and enjoy the day with them today.


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