Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Baseball Is Back, But My Wife Isnt

The Major League Baseball Players Association and the Owners were finally able to work out a deal so that way baseball will be played this year. This is very good for the players and the fans, but I'm beginning to get quite concerned because my wife has been stuck quarantining with her trainer Esteban for the duration of the COVID-19 lockdown. 

While I have no doubt that all the training sessions with Esteban are keeping her in good shape, I am a little concerned that she's been working out so much that she hasn't returned any of my 8 calls today to tell her that it's safe to come home since the MLB will be starting training camp on July 1st.

Sharon, if you're reading this, please come home. The washing machine is broken and I'm scared of the rattling noise it makes. 

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