Friday, June 19, 2020

The NBA Might Give Players Smart Rings to Catch Potential COVID-19

NBA players could wear smart ring to track COVID-19 symptoms as ...

When I first heard this I immediately thought, "this is probably what Spongebob felt like when he traveled to the future". I was blown away. Here I am thinking NBA players and coaches are going to get this ring that can detect COVID; thinking they're going to be wearing an actual coronavirus test. "Why aren't essential employees getting these!? Doctors, Nurses, Teachers!?"  How dumb am I? After doing a little digging, turns out this thing is just like a fancy Fitbit that can take your temperature. And here my dumb self is thinking we just cured the coronavirus. 

It's good to see the NBA get on the forefront of trying to be as preventative as possible as they continue to work towards return to play. The ring can supposedly track body temp, heart rate, sleeping patterns, and respiratory rate. I wonder how the players and the PA will feel if these are mandated? Are we going to see Jame Harden try to throw his on Austin Rivers finger to get out to the strip club? Maybe he can clear with the NBA that a higher heart rate and body temp is normal after midnight.

Hopefully this is a step in the positive direction for sports to return. As much as we all love watching Coach Duggs, I think we could all use some real sports in our lives; and sooner rather than later.

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