Tuesday, June 23, 2020


Actually having to do things with the comeback of the year. It looked like the alarm was gonna be a clear and uncontested champ, but the alarm clock sneaks in late. Wow.

Unlike Dad's who are cool and awesome, I will not be shouting out Monday's because Monday's suck. Moving on to today's topic.

If you moved away from home, chances are you've become roommates with complete strangers before. More often than not, this person becomes your best friend but there are instances where your roommate(s) are pretty much satan's spawn on Earth. We're going to vote on the worst roommates and the shit they do to piss you off. Off we go.

THE SLOB - This guy stinks (literally). He's just a trail of breadcrumbs and dishes all over the places. Always manages to leave his laundry all over the laundry room and skid marks in the toilet. The mess just never ends with this guy.

THE LOUD ONE - Comes in stumbling in at 2:30 am on a Wednesday knocking shit all over the place, wakes up to piss in the middle of the night and walks around like fucking big foot reincarnated. Talks on the phone at volume one thousand, watches movies on volume a billion. There's just no taming this guy as he walks around like a siren.

EATS YOUR FOOD - You come home from a (responsible) night on the town, knowing there's a sleeve of Oreo's and a bag of pizza rolls waiting for you, so need to get that last minute Dominos order. Problem is you walk in the door and your roommate Big Chungus devoured your Oreo's and left you 4 pizza rolls. This is the moment where a man could hit a breaking point.

ALWAYS LATE ON RENT - Somehow this guys has enough money to get demolished 4 nights a week but can't afford the $300 on the first of the month for you're crappy 2 bed apartment you split in your small crappy college town, there's a problem. You end up spotting this guy for a week or two, because you're a stand up individual, before he can throw together enough plasma money to pay you back.

All these roommates are the worst and these offenses should be punishable by law. But unfortunately they are not and you are left to keep the place in order. Fuck.


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