Wednesday, June 24, 2020


Another day, another poll. No winner has been declared for yesterday's and the poll is still active so get your votes in in the tweet above while you still can (1 point for democracy). I recently drove from my small one bed in good ole North Dakota 10 or so hours back down to my parents house. Along the way there was a lot of complaining and back pain but also an unnecessary amount of snack consumption. There's something about being in the car that brings up the snack consumption to amounts higher than the recommended amount by the USDA.

That's why today's poll is going to be, what are the best road trip snacks?

BEEF JERKY - I put this as the odds on favorite to take the chip, the only downside is the price point. It's honestly comparable to putting a downpayment down on a home, it can put a big dent in the bank account early in the trip.

CANDY - This includes chocolate and sweet chewy shit. "But Jake they're different and should be categorized different" Fuck you, it's my poll. They're both sugary and make you feel like heaven while eating and feel like shit after.

CHEX MIX / TRAIL MIX - Again, not exactly the same but I make the rules. Getting a mix of chex, pretzels, M&M's, and those delectable garlic chips gives you your sweet and salty combination all in one sweaty hand full.

SUNFLOWER SEEDS - Chewing and spitting and chewing and spitting. Devouring an entire bag of these feels like the great low calorie option, I can assure you it's not. If you can power through the breaking point that is eating them until your taste buds and lips are raw I commend you and you deserve an award. An American classic.

There's no bad choice here. VOTE BELOW

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