Wednesday, June 17, 2020


Works kept me busy the last 48 hours or so I haven’t been able to keep up with the current events going on in the sports world, but some newsworthy events have transpired that I would like to give my thoughts on so our readers (mostly me) can look back on them later.


1.  THE CAPTAIN WANTS TO BRING SAMMY HOME: With the (disappointing) 30 for 30, Long Gone Summer, airing this past Sunday, a lot of talk about the King Sammy Sosa has hit the timeline. Most of it wondering the current Cubs ownership won’t let their home run king back into Wrigley Field, I covered this in a previous blog so I won’t bore you with the details. With baseball making news Monday that Rob Manfred is “not confident” there will be an MLB season, players took to social media; and our captain is ready to play AND bring Slammin’ Sammy home.


2.  Now, walking it back a little bit... THE MLB SEASON IS IN JEOPARDY: Monday afternoon the lovely and ever charming Rob Manfred comes out and says “I’m not confident” in regards to there being a 2020 baseball season, just five days after saying he was 100% sure there would be a season. Now I am not going to sit here and pretend I have a Doctor of Jurisprudence degree from Harvard and like I really know what the fuck is going on as far as the intricacies of the negotiations. What I do know is players and owners agreed to a prorated salary structure for the 2020 season. It seems as if the owners want to play as little games as possible in order to be able to pay the players as little as possible, is how I am understanding it. The players have wanted to play more games and the owners less, therefore paying less. In common man terms, it's all, for lack of a better term, annoying.

3. LOL JK BASEBALL MIGHT BE BACK: News has leaked that the owners reportedly would not want to play this year if the PA was going to file a grievance. Not sure if this inspired the owners to get something done because, ohhhhhh brother, does that look bad in the public eye. Again, I'll save you the legal jargon because I'll just sound like the Wal-Mart brand version of the dumber Winklevoss twin. But apparently there was a strong breakthrough in negotiations; follow the tweets below.

I want to reiterate AGAIN, I do not know. what. the. fuck. this all means. The deal might not be as close as Heyman made it seem, but it seems like some DAMN good progress and should give any baseball fans peen a little tickle

KYRIE IRVING SAID THINGS: Kyrie was recently very vocal in a meeting about trying to get the NBA back on the floor. In short he was against it because he says it would distract from the major social justice movement that is currently going on; and everyone JUMPED on him like flies on shit. "Crazy Kyrie at it again". I, however, want to defend Kyrie. Is it that crazy that the Vice President of the NBAPA is bringing up concerns about return to play, especially in todays climate? Kyrie feels like the king of devils advocate and that paints him as a loon. He's actually making good points about the issues at hand and some concerns the league may have along with player safety with this whole COVID thing; and it seems he may have more support among the players than we thought.

It's been an eventful few days for quarantine standards. It feels like sports are coming back but it also feels like they're not even close. It feels right to be getting irrationally upset about sports again though.

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