Monday, June 29, 2020


I know I went MIA this weekend but it was a busy weekend full of light beers and mixed cocktails and not much writing or poll creating. Oh well you'll live (@ Logan), It's Monday, start of a short work week, and were all counting down to America's birthday this weekend to do it all over again. That being said there were hangovers this weekend and there will be more to follow in the next. It is important to get ahead of the hangover so it does not ravage your Sunday or worst case scenario, turn into the treaded two day hanger. There are plenty of remedies that help curb those bad boys and knock them clean out of your system and we're going to vote on your favorite today.

What is the best hangover remedy?

32 OZ.  GATORADE / POWERADE - This is not about a sports drink debate so pick your poison. After a night of filling you body with liquids that deplete your electrolytes you it is important to replenish those with cool and refreshing sports drink. Save the flavor debate for another, this ones all about replenishing the soul.

BIG GREASY MEAL - Again, not here to debate if it's a Big Mac or a Whopper or if you're really going to indulge and buy a Five Guys and Fries. This is about doing anything to alleviate the fact that bright light makes you blind and get rid of the tremble in your knees. Gotta be careful with this one so it does not turn into a poop emergency because it can and will in a hurry.

WATER - An option that would make Bobby Boucher happy. Just unloading a gallon of water right to the troat and slugging it down faster than the white girls slug seltzer's at the beach on an 85 degree summer day. Can't drink it too fast or it will come right back out, baby sips only.

DRINKING MORE - They say the best detox is a re-tox. Heading to brunch and ordering unlimited Mimosa's or Bloody's to get ahead of the serious part of the hangover might be your best bet. Just make sure you get that post brunch nap in in order to truly beat the worst part and sleep it off. 

There we have it, let's come together as a society to truly determine the best remedy so we may continue to party on. VOTE BELOW

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