Friday, June 26, 2020


Not as close of a battle as I thought with bagel being the runaway favorite. I think biscuits got so disrespected that it's not even funny. Biscuits are elite and need more RESPEK. 

Moving on to today, it's a shitty, gross, and rainy day out today. I've spent the last few days outside and enjoying the sun but it's always nice to sprinkle in a summer rainy day to mentally and physically recover. Rainy days are great for a lot of reason's and you're going to vote on those today. 

What is the best rainy day activity?

NETFLIX AND CHILL - No not that kind of chill you sick fucks. I mean literally getting yourself wrapped in a blanket and sitting in your cool basement and binging your favorite show for 13 straight hours.

COOK A NICE MEAL - Take the time that you would be spending outside and exploring to make a nice meal and try to make it not taste like absolute shit. That way you can eat a good meal AND wallow in your sorrows.

SLEEP ALL DAY - Just taking a big fat 6 hour nap. Never turning a light on and just slumping all day. Bonus points if it's a Sunday and the Sunday Scarie's are what wakes you up. Then having the scaries haunt you so bad you can't sleep until 2 am before work.

VIDEO GAMES / BOARD GAMES - Games are a fun and entertaining way to get the competitive juices out. I lumped video and board together because they're both games and serve the same purpose; whoop the competitions ass.

Get your votes in and let your voice be heard!

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