Monday, June 15, 2020

Kyle Long Has Words About the Current Bears Staff and They're.... Not Great?

Well uh, this is something. Kyle Long has been known to frequent twitter and not have a filter, even in the slightest, as we saw by him being critical of Mitch Trubisky earlier in the offseason, but man this is something. Or is it?

Kyle later went on to try and clarify his comments shortly after.

Followed shortly after by


It makes sense why he wouldn't be happy with the current staff after literally firing him. He even said himself you wouldn't try and holler back at a girl that shoved you to the curb. 

Could this really be a case of Kyle just (rightfully) not wanting to play for a staff that let him go, or could there have been other feelings of strife between him and ole Coach Nagy and Co. during his time still as a player? 

I actually believe Kyle here. While there Bears WILDLY underperformed last year, yet you never heard of any issues coming out of the locker room besides disappointment in not playing well. Bears fans are familiar with locker room chaos as it was around not too long ago.

"We had a great week of practice"


His tweets were worded interestingly nonetheless. Time will tell on this one.

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