Sunday, August 23, 2020

The Padres Just Bodybagged the Entire State of Texas

For the past 7 games the Padres played the AL Wests two representatives from the great state of Texas and won all 7 games. If you live under a rock you know that Rangers Manager Chris Woodward set off one of the biggest bitch fits in Major League Baseball this year that would even make the likes of the entire Milwaukee Brewers organization proud, when Fernando Tatis Jr. hit a grand slam on a 3-0 pitch up 7 runs (read more about the dumb unwritten rules of baseball here). Since then the Padres have hit like 22 grand slams and beat every team in that state they decided to send out that tweet above.

This is the perfect tweet for a couple of reasons. The old people won't get it so there's no way they can't get truly mad about it. Any sports writer over the age of 40 has no idea what's going on here. They'll see and just think "this is just another one of them kids spongesquare memes". They might not even know its Spongebob because he's not even a square in these pictures. Another reason it's great is because it gets cheap likes and retweets with the young crowd, nothing like pandering using a showed thats been meme'd to death for clout. I honestly respect the move. 

This is an A+ tweet from the Slam Diego Padres twitter account to own the entire population of the State of Texas. Pretty ballsy move to attack an entire state that has the 2nd highest population in the country, but if you can talk the talk...

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