Sunday, August 23, 2020

Why You Should Be ALL IN on Robert Pattinson's "The Batman"


If you weren’t on Team Edward back in 2010, now is the time.

We don't just write about sports here loser, so if you'd like to expand your cultural knowledge of meaningless superhero movies and comic books, stick around for this one. Yesterday at DC Fandome (a virtual convention for all things DC Comics & Entertainment), we were hit with the first real look at Robert Pattinson as the titular character and holy fucking shit Batman, it looks absolutely amazing. From costume design, character choices, and the overall tone of the film, this is going to be as real as it gets for the Caped Crusader, and I for one am so ready for Emo-Batman (IT’S NOT A PHASE MOM!). Here am I going to go on a bit of a deep-dive into why this has the potential to not only be the best batman film we’ve ever seen, but how this film will finally break Robert Pattinson’s curse of always being remembered as the sparkling-vampire-boy from the Twilight Saga.

Firstly, let’s address Pattinson’s track record as an actor. YES, he was mostly awkward and terrible as Edward Cullen. YES, those movies were mostly targeted at 15-year-old teenage girls who were looking to experience their first orgasm in the back of a movie theater. But those days are long gone, and since then he has turned into an extremely well-rounded actor, capable of transforming into whatever role is presented to him. His most recent example of this is The Lighthouse (2019). Look it up, it’s fantastic. And with all that being said, the fit for him as Bruce Wayne is a better casting than you might think. His biggest strength was always being a doom-and-gloom downer, and what better actor to portray a comic book accurate Dark Knight than Edward Cul – I mean Robert Pattinson? This man might fuck around and give us the coolest, meanest, and most authentic bat we’ve ever seen on the big screen.

You didn’t read comics like a dweeb in high school? I don’t blame you. But I did, and on occasion I still dabble in graphic novels to this day. What you really need to know about this film is the source material it is pulling from: The Long Halloween. When I tell you this is one of the most influential comic books of all-time, I am not blowing smoke up your ass. And let’s face it, you are too cool and aren’t going to take the time to read it anyway so you’ll just have to take my word for it; It’s really fricking good. The story focus’ on a different strength of Batman, and arguably his greatest asset; his brain. In the comics, one of the Bat’s many calling cards is being the “World’s Greatest Detective,” a trait often overlooked in films and comics alike. This movie is not going to be a mindless DCEU (DC Extended Universe) Film, with bland acting and action filled with CGI at every god damn turn. No, this movie is going to be a crime film, a thriller, with the Riddler taking center stage. The premise of The Long Halloween is simple; The Riddler starts wreaking havoc in Gotham, dropping hints (riddles, if you will) to his plots in expert fashion. He is always a few steps ahead of the Bat, and the Dark Knight begins an epic crime investigation, paying visits to many of his arch-rivals to solve the “Enigma” (IYKYK). The Long Halloween is one of the darkest stories in Batman history, delivering a young batman with roughly a year of experience. He doesn’t have a multitude of fancy gadgets, sporting normal black combat boots and a leather mask, which can be seen in the trailer. He isn’t fighting aliens; he isn’t performing outrageous stunts. Bruce Wayne is human, and that will never be more true in this upcoming film. It’s also important to note that this isn’t an origin story. We are going to be thrust into the beginnings of BATMAN, not the beginnings of Bruce Wayne (thank god). Christopher Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy was given such high praise because of its realism, and dark tone in nature; The Long Halloween is darker. Based on the trailer alone, the film seems to have captured the essence of the comic book, and that is a VERY good sign. Mix in Andy Serkis playing Alfred Pennyworth, Jeffrey Wright playing Commissioner Gordon, Collin Farrell as the Penguin, and Zoe Kravitz as Catwoman, and you have terrific, gritty actors everywhere, and I love it; you should too.

The Batman is still far from release (THANKS covid), coming out in October of 2021; yet another reference to the source material. To wrap this up, I won’t bother you with all the easter eggs littering the trailer, but my god there is one that has my excitement through the roof. At the 1:40 minute mark, Patterson’s Batman absolutely beats the dog shit out of a thug for simply asking him his name (LOL). He then proceeds to begin to say one of the more famous comic book lines from Batman history: I am VENGEANCE.

To quote the Long Halloween, it goes as follows.

I am Vengeance. I am the Night. I am… Batman.

Get fucking hyped folks, this movie is going to be Oscar worthy. I’m calling it now.

[ Trailer Link: ]

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