Sunday, August 23, 2020



    Folks... he's done it again. Big Dick Rick Hahn just got done publicly humiliating Theo Epstein so badly, that it'd be easy to mistake him for the weird kid that chose to do stand up comedy at my 6th grade talent show. Ricky boy once again showed why he's the Windy City's best baseball GM as the White Sox thoroughly dominated the Cubs this weekend, winning 2 out of 3 and sending the Cubs panicking. 

    It's not that Theo isn't used to it. Rick Hahn pummeled the shit out of Theo Epstein quite a few times, as many will remember when Hahn FLEECED Epstein by convincing him to give up Eloy Jimenez, Dylan Cease, and two other prospects for Jose Quintana. It's getting so bad that I would expect Rick Hahn to join a pyramid scheme, just because he's so confident that he can get that absolute loser Theo Epstein to buy everything for him and make Hahn even richer. 

    Haters and losers will point to Epstein winning a title with the Red Sox and Cubs, but the Red Sox were already loaded and they only hired him after Billy Beane turned them down. Sure, he won with the Cubs, but many people will also tell you that the Cubs winning a World Series convinced God that Hell had frozen over, and since God thought no longer had to worry about his arch nemesis Satan anymore, he took a vacation. That disappearance let Satan have time to do bad stuff, so basically the Cubs inadvertently caused Coronavirus by winning the World Series. And if you think that's good, you're pretty fucked up. 

    Rick Hahn The Gawd. 

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