Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Heyward, Rizzo's Chains Carry the Cubs to a Two Game Sweep in Cleveland

The Cubs returned to Cleveland to take on the Indians on a Tuesday and Wednesday night for the first time since... you guessed it, April of 2018 when they split a two game series with the Tribe. Not what you were thinking? Whatever, here's what happened


Game one we saw Jon Lester do what Jon Lester does and the offense carried by none other than... *checks notes*... Jason Heyward??? Yes idiot Jason Heyward. The Cubs used a big 6th inning to scratch across 5 runs and sparked by a big 3 run yabo by J-Hey. It would be smooth sailing after that. The teams best offensive player Ian Happ added a couple knock and an RBI. Who gave up on this guy after 2018? Couldn't be me, he's unreal and it makes me and many other Cubs fans very glad we will now RARELY get a start from Albert Almora ever again. The Bullpen threw 3 clean innings with Tepera looking solid again and Colin Rea coming in for the last couple of innings. Rea looked sharp, if the Cubs can get some productive innings out of him in this condensed here that would be a massive help to a struggling bullpen. Rea has been a starter in the MLB and was solid before injuries derailed his career. Remember when he got traded to the Marlins for a game, got hurt, and then sent back to the Padres? That was weird. Cubs win 7-1



Holy Fuck Anthony Rizzo comes out rocking bike chains that would make Rick Ross proud. I mean talk about the Italian Stallion, one of the most obnoxious chains I've seen on the Diamond in a while; and it gave him the power to rope one right over the right field fence to get the scoring going in the first inning. Kyle Hendricks did what he does best, worked quickly and efficiently while throwing a whopping 88 mph. Speaking of The Professor, the Cubs got another Solid outing out of him. 6 sharp innings only giving up one and only getting himself into a bit of a jam in the 5th but working out of it only giving up the one run then. The Cubs got another couple of RBI's from Jason Heyward this game and somehow is the teams RBI machine. Bote added a 2 RBI single as well to add some runs in a crooked 5th inning in which the Cubs plated 3. Oh yeah, KB is good too. He's gotten off to a bit of a slow start but has put together a bunch of good ABs and today drove one WAY out of yard to get in a nice groove. They would go on to get a crun across in both the 8th and 9th inning for insurance and the bullpen gives up one run in 3 innings of work and YOUR Chicago Cubs improves to 12-3 with a 7-2 victory over the Cleveland Indians.

Overall two very well played ballgames in Cleveland after four days off. Onto the Brewers for four games at Wrigley where they can really put a strong grip on the rest of the NL Central this weekend.

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