Thursday, August 20, 2020

My Old Nemesis Curt Schilling Is In Deep Shit


My old nemesis Curt Schilling has recently been linked in connection with Steve Bannon's Build The Wall Group that got him arrested. I'm not a lawyer, I'm not a judge, I'm at best a common criminal with a penchant for petty theft. None of this super intense federal shit, so I'm not going to pretend like I understand any of it. 

I have a code, I only steal and nick stuff from big corporations and only when I'm especially bored or needing attention, but my old nemesis Curt Schilling is fucked. That stupid chudsky fucked up the second he made an eternal enemy out of me. Folks, Curt Schillings bloody sock is only the 3rd biggest fraud he's committed, along with bankrupting the literal state of Rhode Island and what appears to be federal fraud. I don't know, I'm not going to read the case or figure it out in any stretch of the imagination, but I will be vehemently rooting for Curt Schilling to end up in prison with a die hard Yankees fan that lost millions of dollars on the 2004 ALCS

This was tweeted about 2 weeks before Curt was fired from ESPN for being a racist douchebag. Many people have called me the puppet master. The man pulling the strings at ESPN, one of the most powerful influencers in sports media, and others have called me an Azz Clown (Sp). To me, I'm not a puppet master. I'm the hero twitter needs, but doesnt deserve. I'm the Dark Knight of Twitter, and Curt Schilling is my Joker. And like the Joker, I expect Curt to die of an overdose within 4 years. Fuck Curt Schilling and fuck his stupid face, I win. 

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