Friday, June 12, 2020

Are Tater Tots the Most Underrated Potato of All-Time?

I mean look at that glorious vegetable. The most versatile veggie in the game. When I have a stance, I'll usually still hear the other side of the argument; but not now, not ever when it comes to potatoes. The potato is the Ben Zobrist of vegetables, not good enough to be the main course by itself, but damn good enough to be placed in any meal and be a piece in your lineup to put you over the edge. We see potatoes served a number of ways that are a staple to many meals. I'm talking french fries, baked potato, potatoes au gratin, potato wedges, roasted, mashed you fucking name it. You can do so much with that bland looking beauty pictured above. 

This is where I get into a rabbit hole. The tater tot. Every four year olds favorite potato side, but I feel it is the most underutilized version of the potato. For the most part it's the 2nd or 3rd side listed on the kids menu and I would say there's about a 50% chance it is listed as a side on the real menu, there should be a study done on this; because if my theory is right, it is a downright travesty. The tots are so versatile themselves. Serve them up plain with a little ketchup or ranch on the side, serve them up with little bit of parmesan and garlic, cook them on the grill in have a bottle of oil, they make tater tot fucking casserole up north (I guess it's called hot dish???), the possibilities are literally endless for the tot. It is the most versatile way to cook up the potato and deserves far more tick than it gets. Tater tots deserve respect, because they've damn well earned it.

JBug's Kitchen Antics: Parmesan Taters
I mean look at this fucking dish. My Lanta.

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