Friday, July 10, 2020

Six Years Ago Today Anthony Rizzo Officially Ended the Cubs Rebuild

People will look back through the Cubs rebuild at moves like trading for Jake Arrieta, Pedro Strop, Miggy Montero, signing Jon Lester, etc. But one moment that does not get talked about enough as a turning point for this era of Cubs baseball is this right here.

Anthony Rizzo decided six years ago today that the Cubs were #DONE rebuilding and he was the captain of this squad. He decided the days of being the NL Centrals punching bag were done. Get a look at the full exchange below. 

For those of you with too short of attention span for a 4 minute and 24 second long video I'll summarize shortly. Aroldis Chapman, notable scumbag and hard thrower of baseballs, sails a fastball right around the noggin of Cubs rebuild legend Nate Schierholtz. Look that's not a huge deal, shit happens in the game, but the problem is the very next pitch he did the same thing again. Again, shit happens in the game, but fuck me thats 100+ flying right at your lid; literally fast enough to kill a man. The Cubs dugout was rightfully on edge and upset after the second pitch up and Chapman made sure he let them know when he eventually K'ed Schierholtz later in the AB. Anthony Rizzo, the captain, took exception to that when the Cubs went back out to play defense and a good old fashioned brouhaha ensued.

The Cubs lost a lot of baseball games from 2010 through 2014, 464 to be exact compared to only 346 wins, it was ugly. But on this date in 2014, Anthony Rizzo said were done being pussies and were turning this thing around. Up until that point in 2014 the Cubs were 38-52 and in last place in the division (again), but from that point on the Cubs finished the 2014 campaign 35-37, with a team that started Junior Lake every day. This was the Declaration of We Don't Wanna Suck Anymore. Then in 2015 it's been full steam ahead ever since. All thanks to my captain on this very important and under appreciated day in Cubs history.